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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - sugar


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Перевод с английского языка sugar на русский

сахар – amino sugar – deoxy sugar – grape sugar – gum sugar – malt sugar – milk sugar – starch sugar – total sugar – wood sugar
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  полит. жарг. "копилка" Избирательный фонд кандидата ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. сахар refined (white) sugar —- рафинад granulated sugar —- сахарный песок beet sugar —- свекловичный сахар brown sugar —- неочищенный сахарный песок a lump of sugar —- кусок (кусочек) сахару a loaf of sugar —- голова сахара fruits in sugar —- засахаренные фрукты 2. сахарница 3. лесть she was all sugar (and honey) —- она была так сладкоречива 4. сл. деньги, монеты 5. ам. взятка 6. милочка, солнышко мое (обращение) 7. сл. наркотик белого цвета (героин, кокаин и т. п.) Id: I am neither sugar nor salt, I am not made of sugar or salt —- я не сахарный - не растаю 8. обсахаривать; подслащивать 9. подслащивать; приукрашивать to sugar the pill —- позолотить пилюлю to sugar one's words —- говорить слащаво (льстиво) to sugar up reality —- приукрашивать действительность 10. варить, выпаривать сахар (обыкн. sugar off) 11. засахариваться 12. сл. филонить, отлынивать от работы 13. ам. сл. давать на лапу, подкупать Id: be sugared! —- черт подери! Id: danger be sugared! —- черт с ней, с опасностью! Id: well, I am sugared! —- черт меня подери!, разрази меня гром! ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) сахар  2) лесть  3) coll. милый, голубчик; милочка, душечка и т.п.  4) sl. деньги  5) chem. сахароза  6) attr. сахарный  2. v.  1) обсахаривать; подслащивать (тж. перен.)  2) sl. работать с прохладцей, филонить SUGAR candy леденец ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) карамелеварочный 2) сахар 3) сахарный 4) сахарорафинадный boiling of sugar to grain — варка сахара на кристалл grow beet for sugar — выращивать свеклу на сахар - brewing sugar - brown sugar - fruit sugar - grape sugar - invert sugar - refine sugar - sugar beet - sugar cooker - sugar refiner - sugar refinery - wood sugar ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) сахар 2) сахароза, тростниковый или свекловичный сахар ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plants, esp. the sugar cane and sugar beet, used in cookery, confectionery, brewing, etc.; sucrose. 2 Chem. any of a group of soluble usu. sweet-tasting crystalline carbohydrates found esp. in plants, e.g. glucose. 3 esp. US colloq. darling, dear (used as a term of address). 4 sweet words; flattery. 5 anything comparable to sugar encasing a pill in reconciling a person to what is unpalatable. 6 sl. a narcotic drug, esp. heroin or LSD (taken on a lump of sugar). --v.tr. 1 sweeten with sugar. 2 make (one's words, meaning, etc.) more pleasant or welcome. 3 coat with sugar (sugared almond). 4 spread a sugar mixture on (a tree) to catch moths. Phrases and idioms sugar beet a beet, Beta vulgaris, from which sugar is extracted. sugar-candy see CANDY 1. sugar cane Bot. any perennial tropical grass of the genus Saccharum, esp. S. officinarum, with tall stout jointed stems from which sugar is made. sugar-coated 1 (of food) enclosed in sugar. 2 made superficially attractive. sugar-daddy (pl. -ies) sl. an elderly man who lavishes gifts on a young woman. sugar-gum Bot. an Australian eucalyptus, Eucalyptus cladocalyx, with sweet foliage eaten by cattle. sugar loaf a conical moulded mass of sugar. sugar-maple any of various trees, esp. Acer saccharum, from the sap of which sugar is made. sugar of lead Chem. = lead acetate (see LEAD(2)). sugar-pea a variety of pea eaten whole including the pod. sugar the pill see PILL. sugar soap an alkaline compound for cleaning or removing paint. Derivatives sugarless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF {ccedil}ukre, sukere f. It. zucchero prob. f. med.L succarum f. Arab. sukkar ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English sugre, sucre, from Anglo-French sucre, from Medieval Latin zuccarum, from Old Italian zucchero, from Arabic sukkar, from Persian shakar, ultimately from Sanskrit sarkara; akin to Sanskrit sarkara pebble — more at crocodile  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a sweet crystallizable material that consists wholly or essentially of sucrose, is colorless or white when pure tending to brown when less refined, is obtained commercially from ~cane or ~ beet and less extensively from sorghum, maples, and palms, and is important as a source of dietary carbohydrate and as a sweetener and preservative of other foods  b. any of various water-soluble compounds that vary widely in sweetness, include the monosaccharides and oligosaccharides, and typically are optically active  2. a unit (as a spoonful, cube, or lump) of ~  3. a ~ bowl  • ~less adjective  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to make palatable or attractive ; sweeten a story ~ed with romance  2. to sprinkle or mix with ~  intransitive verb  1. to form or be converted into ~  2. to become granular ; granulate  3. to make maple syrup or maple ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sugars, sugaring, sugared) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Sugar is a sweet substance that is used to make food and drinks sweet. It is usually in the form of small white or brown crystals. ...bags of sugar... Ice cream is high in fat and sugar. N-UNCOUNT see also caster sugar, confectioners’ sugar, demerara sugar, granulated sugar, icing sugar 2. If someone has one sugar in their tea or coffee, they have one small spoon of sugar or one sugar lump in it. How many sugars do you take? ...a mug of tea with two sugars. N-COUNT 3. If you sugar food or drink, you add sugar to it. He sat down and sugared and stirred his coffee. VERB: V n 4. Sugars are substances that occur naturally in food. When you eat them, the body converts them into energy. Plants produce sugars and starch to provide themselves with energy. N-COUNT: usu pl 5. to sugar the pill: see pill ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a sweet white or brown substance that is obtained from plants and used to sweeten food and drinks  (Do you take sugar in your coffee?) 2 the amount of sugar that a small spoon can hold  (How many sugars do you want in your tea?) 3 technical one of several sweet substances formed in plants  (- compare glucose) 4 BrE spoken used to address someone you like very much 5 (oh) sugar! spoken especially BrE used when you are very annoyed about something stupid that you have just done, or when something goes wrong ~2 v 1 to add sugar or cover something with sugar; sweeten (1)  (Did you sugar my coffee?) 2 sugar the pill especially BrE to do something that makes an order, activity etc less unpleasant - sugared adj  (sugared almonds) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1325, from O.Fr. sucre "sugar," from M.L. succarum, from Ar. sukkar, from Pers. shakar, from Skt. sharkara "ground or candied sugar," originally "grit, gravel." Its Old World home was India (Alexander the Great's companions marveled at the "honey without bees") and it remained exotic in Europe until the Arabs began to cultivate it in Sicily and Spain; not until after the Crusades did it begin to rival honey as the West's sweetener. The Spaniards in the West Indies began raising sugar cane in 1506; first grown in Cuba 1523; first cultivated in Brazil 1532. The -g- in the Eng. form cannot be accounted for. The pronunciation shift from s- to sh- is probably from the initial long vowel sound syu- (as in sure). Slang "euphemistic substitute for an imprecation" [O.E.D.] is attested from 1891. As a term of endearment, first recorded 1930. Sugar maple is from 1753; sugar-plum is from 1608; sugar-daddy first recorded 1926. Sugar coat (v.) "make more palatable" is from 1870. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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